Kate Payne

Commit to your potential.

Working with a coach is the fastest way to grow personally. For nearly two decades, I have been curating the highest impact leadership mindsets, approaches, and skills for my clients.

I specialize in building leadership fluency. Through feedback and assessments, I bring awareness to strengths and growth opportunities. We work together to overcome barriers that may be inhibiting change, build confidence and trust and pursue an actionable plan.

Whether in a peer coaching environment or one on one, I help my clients get results for themselves, their teams, and their businesses.

  • Leadership Consulting

    Experience a high impact diagnostic and action plan for a senior leadership team that wants greater alignment and to work together more fluidly.

    Through deliberate inquiry and targeted assessments, team strengths and blind spots are brought to light. We then co-create strategies to help the group overcome any interpersonal or operational barriers and to grow together into the ultimate high performing team.

    This service may include 360 feedback, a team off-site, and group coaching or training sessions.

  • Peer Learning

    This offering gives a group of colleagues access to the skill development typically reserved for 1:1 executive coaching - and it has the benefit of maximizing the wisdom and experience of the group. This hybrid of peer coaching and facilitated learning inspires the cohort to personally invest in building skills to tackle their highest priority management challenges, together. Heightened accountability, greater trust and improved team dynamics are additional results you can expect from this program.

    Your team will participate in a kickoff, monthly group sessions, and complete customized homework.

  • Executive Coaching

    My principle service. It's intense, personal, revealing, and inspiring. You'll transform into the leader you've always wanted to be, and be more motivated than ever before. My executive coaching process includes the following steps:

         - Commitment
         - Assessment
         - Intensive
         - Follow-up
         - Evaluate

    My six-month program is dedicated to developing the leadership potential of your promising executives.

    Learn more


Know what success means to you.
